Enter tracking number reference of Magento


Magento Add Order Status Programmatically : Useful Links


The Magento store has a set of predefined order status and order state settings. Sometimes we need to create a new order status and state.


When I have got and error "The Order State "complete" must not be set manually." I found the solution here ...


Learn how you can successfully create order status and state in default Magento 2. You can customize the code as per your need for fetching ...


First create new status Stores > Order Status and set the code for status custom_cancel and use below code $orderId = 3; $objectManager ...


When the admin prints out the packing slip, the order status is changed to “ printed”. Instead of doing it manually, one can change order status ...


Note : This blog will Guide you, how to create custom order statuses and change the order status programmatically as per need, so lets start,.


... order status in Magento2. I am using Setup script to create custom order status. ... magento-hyperlocal-marketplace-guide · Mahesh Singh 6 ...


/** Change the order status **/ $mageFilename = 'app/Mage.php'; require_once $ mageFilename; umask(0); Mage::app()->setCurrentStore( ...

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