Enter tracking number reference of Magento


Magento Best Value Sort Order : Useful Links


If all products have the same position value think it will be sorted by product id. EDITED: It won't be random.


What is “Best Value” field? From official Magento Community User Guide 1.7: page 75./85. “Product Listing Sort By: The products are sorted, by ...


By default best value order is ascending and when you change order you will be able to see position in url as below. ?dir=desc&order=position.


It is a Magento best practice to capitalize the first letter of the class method


Deselect Use Config Settings and select Best Value. sort-order-magento-zemez. Navigate to the Category Products tab. In the Position column, ...


– position). And that's why you have default sorting by Position (“Best Value”) for category view page. Thanks! For Reference only,.


Category Sorting is a tool to help customers find products easier and faster. It achieves this by extending the Magento product 'SORT BY' capabilities from the ... down a list of products, the customer will often sort them to find the best value. ... From admin, you can easily edit the order of the sorting options to best suit the  ...


I guess it should be other than best value and name from the default Magento display order property. I tried by creating a new attribute called ...


Sort Magento category by multiple values – keep newest products on top

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