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Orders Table Magento : Useful Links


Common Magento Tables - sales_order. The sales_order table ( sales_flat_order on M1) is where each order is captured. In most cases, ...


Orders data are saved in database tables sales_flat_order and sales_flat_order_item. Discounts are applied in ...


The sales_order_item table ( sales_flat_order_item on M1) contains records of all products that were purchased in an order. Each row represents a unique sku ...


You have to dump for these tables for all orders records: sales_invoice; sales_invoice_comment; sales_invoice_grid; sales_invoice_item ...


Magento Version: More modern version of Magento have abandoned the EAV storage method for sales order information. Don't worry ...


[Note] : Please take database backup prior to executing these queries. I went through all tables and came up with following list of tables that should be truncated ...


Re: Delete Test Orders Magento 2.3. Pretty much the same method but diffierent table names. ## WARNING ## This will reset and remove ...


In admin panel, when I want to search the orders based on customers name, I have to add 2 spaces between the first name and last name. When I looked at the  ...


Is deleting the entry using increment_id from sales_flat_order table will also delete all the related data in other tables completely so that there is ...


[Note]: Please take database backup prior to executing these queries. I went through all tables and came up with the following list of tables that should be ...

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