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Reverse The Order Something Is Pasted In Microsoft Word : Useful Links


Normally it's more useful for the clipboard to work in the way it does, most people want to paste the most recent thing they've collected, so that ...


Open a new MS-Word document and paste the list copied that you had ...


For instance, if I had 3 lines of text I wanted to reverse the order of, I could.


the ALT + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window. 2.


Paste will reverse the order of any paragraphs if the cursor is at the start of a


We'll show you a trick for reversing a list in Word that works on


The picture in the previous post shows the situation perfectly. Is there anyway to achieve the same thing but with the correct word order?


Microsoft Word 2010 tables organize certain types of data on your document, but ... Click and hold on the top left cell from your pasted table, then drag the mouse ...

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