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Pete Hamill Blood On The Tracks : Useful Links


Pete Hamill essay from the original back cover of Blood On The Tracks. In the end, the plague touched us all. It was not confined to the Oran of Camus. No.


Pete Hamill, columnist and novelist, who Dylan asked to do the liner notes, viewed Dylan's current output in terms of Yeats's famous observation, “ ...


The full essay that Hamill penned for Blood on the Tracks is available online, and here's an excerpt: He had remained, in front of us, or writing ...


There's a library's worth of high-toned literary analysis surrounding Blood on the Tracks, including Pete Hamill's original liner notes. I wouldn't ...


Bob Dylan asked Hamill to write the liner notes for "Blood on the Tracks," winning Hamill a Grammy. Robert F. Kennedy asked Hamill to quit ...


The liner notes, by American writer Pete Hamill, boldly claim that “here is Dylan bringing feeling back home… as personal and as universal as ...


He wrote novels, short stories, screenplays, biographies, memoirs, and the liner notes for Bob Dylan's Blood on the Tracks. Hamill died on ...


He had even written, for God's sake, the liner notes for Bob Dylan's greatest album, “Blood on the Tracks.” Hamill, the man who had helped ...


Journalist Pete Hamill has died. He won a Grammy Award in 1975 for writing the liner notes for "Blood on the Tracks." Beautiful words, which rightly live alongside  ...

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