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Order Of Reading Philosophy : Useful Links


Most answers here suggest reading some introductions to philosophy. While that's all fine and dandy, as the question seems to be about the works of great ...


93 votes, 21 comments. I've been reading philosophy on and off for almost two years now but I only just recently started to touch 19th and 20th ...


... is suggested that readers read the books in the order presented if they'd like to follow along and understand subsequent books/philosophers.


I have also read The Republic and The Nichomachean Ethics. With that said, I want to gain a firm understanding of philosophy as a whole.


▻ TEXTS THAT CAN TAKEN WITHOUT PREPARATION OR CONTEXT. Some texts are virtually stand alone. For instance you can read Plato's ...


Henry Kissinger's latest book, “World Order,” views history in the light of


Most philosophers are writing in a given historical background, either consciously within it or against it (Kant was reacting to Hume), so a chronological reading ...


I am not a philosopher, but I have studied philosophy, read philosophy and go to philosophy conferences. The best physicists of the past read a ...

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