restarting your Charge 3 could certainly be of help to prevent this from happening again.
The Charge 3's build, guts, and software features have changed
None of the suggested methods will make my Fitbit charge 3 stop tracking my walk.
Fitbit has announced the Charge 3, the company's latest fitness tracker,
The Fitbit app will then use your phone's GPS to track your run, walk or hike.
Unfortunately, the Fitbit Charge 3 doesn't have built-in GPS.
We tested the Fitbit Charge 3 Fitness Tracker.
Your Fitbit Charge 3 will help you keep track of your intervals during
The Charge 4 is an activity tracker that sits in between the Fitbit Inspire range
3. Gently pull the band away from the tracker to release it. 4. Repeat on