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Prevent Fraud Orders : Useful Links


Call the phone number on the order. Calling the customer is always a good ...


Helping you avoid fraudulent orders. We work hard to help prevent fraud, but every online transaction still carries some risk. That's why we recommend that all  ...


If you edit an order after it's been protected by Fraud Protect, then the order is evaluated again. In some cases, an edit to ...


Use extra caution when addresses don't match up. One red flag in regards to fraud is if the billing address and shipping address on an order don't ...


Fraudsters often ship orders to addresses that can't be traced back to them.


Cancel suspicious orders after they are processed. If an order's risk score is high enough, the ...


Different billing and shipping addresses are not always a sure sign of fraud (for example, honest customers may order items as gifts). But for all ...


After a credit card processor or registration service approves an order, you need to perform additional checks, as fraudulent orders sometimes are ...


to goods and services canceled directly due to a government order or prohibition. If your ...

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