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Webkit Tracking Prevention Policy : Useful Links


If a particular tracking technique cannot be completely prevented without undue user harm, WebKit will limit the capability of using the technique. For example, ...


The WebKit Prevention Policy will prevent several tracking techniques including cross-site tracking, stateful tracking, covert stateful tracking, ...


What types of tracking WebKit will prevent. When other tracking countermeasures come into play such as limiting capabilities and informed user ...


WebKit, the open source engine that underpins Internet browsers including Apple's Safari browser, has announced a new tracking prevention ...


This document describes the web tracking practices that WebKit believes, as a matter of policy, should be prevented by default by web browsers.


We treat circumvention of shipping anti-tracking measures with the same seriousness as exploitation of security vulnerabilities. If a party ...


Apple's WebKit team has published a "WebKit Tracking Prevention Policy" that details a range of anti-tracking measures it has developed...


A colleague came across this post which was released just over a week ago: Announcing the WebKit Tracking Prevention Policy | WebKit I'm a ...


What you need to know · Apple's WebKit team has introduced a new "Tracking Prevent Policy." · The policy details Apple's firm anti-tracking stance.


WebKit Tracking Prevention Policy (webkit.org). 4 points by roseway4 on Aug 21, 2019 | hide | past | favorite ...

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