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What Is A Sex Offences Prevention Order : Useful Links


A breach of any of the prohibitions in an order is a criminal offence under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and carries a maximum penalty of 5 years imprisonment.


An Act to make new provision about sexual offences, their prevention and the protection of children from harm from other sexual acts, and for connected ...


On 8 March 2015, Sexual Offences Prevention Orders (SOPO) were replaced by Sexual Harm ...


A Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO), previously known as a Sexual Offence Prevention Order (SOPO), is a court order that can be requested by the police ...


In order to make a SHPO, the court must be satisfied that the offender presents a risk of sexual harm to the public (or particular members of the public) and that an  ...


A sexual assault protection order is a civil order issued by the court on behalf of a sexual assault victim. The order can require the alleged perpetrator to stay ...


... Sexual Risk Order and the Sexual Harm Prevention Order, being the two civil orders brought in to replace and consolidate the old Sexual Offences Prevention  ...


local Victims' Assistance Program (VAP ) or community-based (non-profit) sexual assault or domestic violence program ...


Sexual Offences Prevention Order. SRO. Sexual Risk Order. ViSOR. Violent and Sexual Offenders Register (an intelligence database about people with a ...


Under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, the court may impose a SHPO in relation to 'any person who has been convicted, found not guilty by reason ...

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