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Second-order Neuron Horner : Useful Links


Second-order neuron lesions that may give rise to Horner syndrome include the following: Pancoast tumor (tumor in the apex of the lung, most ...


Central (first-order neuron) Horner syndrome. First-order neurons are located in the posterolateral hypothalamus, and from there, sympathetic ...


Sympathetic innervation to the eye consists of a 3-neuron arc. First-order central sympathetic fibers arise from the posterolateral hypothalamus, ...


The second-order neuron travels from the sympathetic trunk, through the brachial plexus, over the lung apex. It then ascends to the superior ...


Central (first order neuron) Horner's: These include lesions of the hypothalamus, brainstem ...


essay is to illustrate the normal anatomy of the oculosympathetic pathway and the imaging appearance of the first-order neuron lesions in this neuronal chain.


The most classic cause of central (first-order neuron) Horner is a lateral medullary infarction (Wallenberg syndrome); other causes include ...


First-order neurons. This neuron pathway leads from the hypothalamus at the base of the brain, passes through the brainstem and extends into ...


It is helpful to consider that the sympathetic pathway is a three-neuron system, and as such Horner's syndrome can be classified as first, second, or third order. First ...


The first-order neuron originates in the hypothalamus, where it descends through the brain stem to the ciliospinal center of Budge, between C8 ...

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