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How To Keep Track Of Fabric Stash : Useful Links


This is not a complaint, I love my fabric stash. However it has gotten quite difficult to keep track of it all. I often am unsure where a particular ...


Keeping track of all my fabric purchases helped me become more aware of what I was buying, how much, and how often. I didn't think I was ...


... and so I've started weeding out or more properly “managing my fabric stash” quarterly. This quarterly organizing seems to keep me on track, ...


Looking for something to help you track your fabric stash? This sewing room organizer is a great fabric stash management tool for sewers..


Sewologie does more than keep track of fabric. In addition to the My Stash section, the app lets you add fabrics and patterns from a variety of ...


In addition to the swatch itself and location, I wanted to keep track of how much fabric I had, how wide it was, a short description, and any other ...


5 clever tips to help you organize fabric. Keep your fabric stash organized with these simple tips, how to fold fabric for storage.


How to keep track of your fabric stash // Boots & Cats. You can't deny it. Every seamstress has one: a toppling pile of oh-so-beautiful fabrics.


I mentioned several times on Instagram that I have been using Trello to keep track of my fabric stash and plan my sewing, and I have had a few ...

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