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Tesla 3 Delivery Times : Useful Links


Hi, I put an order in for a model 3 performance in the UK on Thursday. The web site was saying December delivery, is this realistic? Paul.


Earlier this month, Tesla was listing the delivery time of all the variants of the Model 3 at just 2-3 weeks in the US. Yesterday, the automaker ...


Ordered my Model 3 on 10/25 and delivery time was 6 to 10 weeks.


If you want to price out your Model 3 in advance of configurating you can checkout my calculator here. Here's the ...


Typically, delivery takes 2-6 weeks for a custom order, with a further 4 weeks if shipped to Europe, Asia etc. Tesla are however increasingly delivering from pre-  ...


Tesla has reportedly reduced Model 3 delivery times to between two and four weeks from three to five weeks.


Tesla notified a few reservation holders of the refreshed Model 3 Performance variant and told them to expect deliveries in at least 5-7 weeks.


A Tesla Model 3 ordered today in the U.S. will be delivered in 6-10 or 8-10 weeks for the Performance version. It seems that Tesla once again ...


Hello. I ordered a Tesla Model x performance on September 3, and haven't heard anything from Tesla ever since. Im wondering if anyone else ...

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