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Great Unifications Physics In Order : Useful Links


Grand unification would imply the existence of an electronuclear force; it is expected to set in at energies of the order of 1016 GeV, far greater than could be  ...


Applying to our model of gauge-Higgs unification, the strong first order


If unification of these three interactions is possible, it raises the possibility that there was a ...


An ongoing endeavor in physics for at least the past three centuries has been the ... In the 19th century, James Clerk Maxwell offered a second great unification by ... a discrete granularity on the order of the Planck scale (about 10–35 meters).


... order: from long-range entangled quantum matter to an unification of light


By showing that the science of light and optics is merely a branch of electromagnetism, Maxwell achieved the second great unification in physics (the first being ...


Could there be a single, unified force that all the different forces are just different manifestations of? The pattern of weak ...


The holy grail of physics has been to merge each of its fundamental branches into a unified "theory of everything" that would explain the functioning and ...


Assuming that physics specifically aims at unification, on the other hand, is a

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