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Van Halen Raw Tracks : Useful Links


We've featured these isolated guitar tracks from Eddie Van Halen before, but those original ones are mostly gone from youtube now. Here's all ...


Rather than trying to clean things up for mass consumption, they left it completely raw and unfiltered....and the imperfections are what makes it ...


In honor of the 40th anniversary of Van Halen's debut, we're taking a look at back at


All the songs are the raw tracks Van Halen recorded for the movie in their original full length. Head here to listen to all of the songs. See Eddie ...


The Van Halen News Desk says more of full, raw tracks Van Halen wrote for the movie will be going online in the coming weeks. The website ...


We are taking a look back at some of Eddie Van Halen's greatest work and proving through these isolated guitar tracks that he is a genius.


I suspect delay(s) are also used on both the raw guitar track and as a send into plate reverb, itself pre-delayed. Looking for advice on achieving ...

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