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Van Hollen Vote Tracker : Useful Links


But there are other legislative activities that we don't track that are also


This vote is to invoke cloture, or to end debate on the bill, so requires 60 votes to pass. Failed 53 to 44 in the U.S. Senate on February 24th, 2020. U.S. Sen. Van ...


part of getting support for a bill, although having more cosponsors does not always mean a bill will get a vote.


She also concluded, correctly, that denying a voter's right to have their ballot counted because of a typo or data entry error made by a government ...


Van Hollen won re-election over Democratic challenger Scott Hassett, taking 57.8 percent of the vote to Hassett's 42.2 percent. Race tracking. See also: 2010 State ...


Despite the unambiguous language of the statute, in 2007, the Federal Election Commission (FEC), which is charged with enforcing campaign ...


Trump margin: Trump's share of the vote in the 2016 election minus Clinton's. Trump score: How often a member votes in line with Trump's ...


Van Hollen (Republican). Whether you plan to vote in-person or absentee, Wisconsin officials want voters to know they can do so safely and ...


What is Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen's record on spending? Learn about Sen. Chris Van Hollen's votes on spending at SpendingTracker.org.

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