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Direct Order Vs Lawful Order : Useful Links


Article 92 defines disobeying a direct order as three types of offenses - violations or failures to obey lawful general orders or


Technically there is no such thing as a "direct" order. Orders are either lawful or unlawful. The informal term "direct order" tends to mean an ...


but the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) Article 90 states that military personnel need to obey the "lawful orders of his/her superior. The duty and ...


But it's not enough to assert that soldiers must follow all lawful orders and disobey unlawful ones. Not every case is clear-cut. Soldiers taking ...


Failure to obey other lawful order: The individual must have known about the order, had a duty to obey it, and then failed to do so.


That a lawful general of order or regulation existed. That the accused was duty bound to obey this regulation or order. That the accused disobeyed or violated ...


of members of a unit and directly with the maintenance of good order in the armed forces. MCM


Direct orders can only be given by officers, however, lawful orders can be given by NCOs.


What makes it a general order (as opposed to a direct order) is that the actor is not explicitly named, nor precisely what (or who) is to be acted upon. A general ...

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