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In Order To Preceded By Comma : Useful Links


If so begins an independent clause, a comma should precede it, but if it begins a ... so in the middle of your sentence, try replacing so with “therefore” or “so that.


Hi, Are my sentences grammatically correct? 1: I arrived early, in order to get a good seat. 2: I left a message, so as to be sure of contacting her.


See whether the adjectives' order can be reversed. Look at this ...


Use a comma following an introductory word group. Some sentences open with a word or group of words in order to provide more information. A comma follows ...


these by looking for key words/groups such as although, if, as, in order to , and when:


There are numerous products in order that they might use to seal a bottle of wine  ...


A comma is not needed before “so” when it's followed by a dependent clause and includes an often-implied “that” (he did something so that ...


Normally, the last item in the series is preceded by and, or, or nor.


A semicolon would be impossible in the last example, since the sequence after the  ...

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