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How To Order Wine On A Date : Useful Links


Cabernet Sauvignon is the most popular wine variety in the world currently. It's characterized by a full-body, strong tannins and a higher than ...


The One (for One Night, at Least): When you “get that feeling,” you need a wine that's deep, smooth, and sultry. Consider Amarone, a northern ...


What makes it even harder is feeling like you're expected to know what you're doing – especially if you're ordering wine on a date. If you're ...


One way to signal the server discreetly is to hold the wine list and say something along the lines of "I'm interested in something like this," while ...


Ordering wine at a restaurant doesn't have to be stressful. Fear not! We've got a wine ordering cheat sheet that will help you impress your date.


Many professional wine tasters follow the 5 S's: see, swirl, sniff, sip and savor. This is a simple way to remember the order in how you should tackle the wine. With ...


You don't need to be an expert to order awesome wine and impress


You pick the food and boom, the wine list hits the table. You date smiles and slowly passes it to you, “you should pick it”, the pressure is on. No ...


We distilled our first date wine ordering advice into a handy Infographic. Learn 5 tips to order great wine from an expert, Eataly's Wine Director!

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