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What Is A Wine Track Candidate : Useful Links


The wine track candidates have drawn support primarily from well-educated, financially comfortable white voters, many of whom identify as ...


But of all the backward ass campaign cliches to be visited upon the American public, none is more pernicious than "beer track/wine track.


Democratic professionals often describe this sorting as a competition between upscale “wine track” candidates and blue-collar “beer track” ...


I tend to be of the opinion that the whole "wine track/beer track" divide


Warren, on the other hand, is a “wine track” candidate whose appeal is concentrated among college-educated whites: the kind of Democratic ...


I highly recommend bossman Harold Meyerson's column today, in which he fits Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama into the old beer track/wine ...


Wine-track Democrats have traditionally supported reform-minded liberals such as Gary Hart and Paul Tsongas. Beer-track Democrats have ...


Among the many reasons that I have no time for the first set of candidates is that I' m so tired of these quintessentially American campaigns that ...


She was the “wine track” candidate. There is a long tradition of lefty candidates running in the Democratic primary and getting a lot of traction, ...


But a wine-tracker isn't a rich Democrat who loses elections. It's someone who appeals to upscale voters. The beer-track candidate is the one ...

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