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Winning A Contested Intervention Order : Useful Links


Intervention Orders · Contesting the Order · Directions Hearing · Contested Hearing · The Next Step · Our Articles.


WHAT IS A CONTESTED HEARING? • The Judge granted your restraining order based on the information you gave in your petition. Since you filed the petition ...


contest (argue against) the order; ignore the summons or safety notice and not go to court. If the respondent agrees to the order. The magistrate ...


Is a contested hearing likely a lost cause for the applicant? I presume no lawyer would represent the respondent if he was unlikely to "win". 2.


A contested hearing for the intervention order will only be listed once your criminal charges have been dealt with. Option 4 – Ignore the summons ...


Whether you are an Applicant or a Respondent to a contested Family Violence Intervention Order Application, it is important that you obtain ...


Attend court and agree to the Intervention Order being made · Agree to the Order being made but disagree with whatever the Applicant has said in ...


A domestic violence restraining order is a court order that helps protect people from abuse or threats of abuse. It can order you to: Not contact or go near the ...


As is often the case, the intervention order was just a tactic in family law


If you have been served with an intervention order application, you should attend the first Court hearing. If you do not attend it, an intervention ...

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