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Minimum Order Per Product Woocommerce : Useful Links


Min and Max Quantity for WooCommerce - set limits for cost of products in orders and in groups and limits for quantity of products, product variations …


amount restriction per category basis, so if a buyer purchase a $10 product from Category A, ...


You can set the minimum and maximum quantity limit per product level from the Edit ...


We ran into a problem recently with a new product that could only be sold in boxes of 8 units, but were tracked in the supplier's inventory as ...


This time, I want to expand on the topic, and define a “minimum order amount on a per-product basis”. Which, translated in plain English, would be something ...


WooCommerce is one of the best e-commerce plugins around. Plenty of WordPress webmasters rely on it to sell products online. You need a ...


return sprintf( __('We have a minimum %s per order from specific categories. As your ...


Set minimum and maximum quantity limits per item, product and cart total. Enable purchase only for a fixed quantity for particular products or the entire catalog.

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