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Minimum Purchase Order Woocommerce : Useful Links


Alternatively, you may want to try Minimum Purchase for WooCommerce (not an endorsement or recommendation) .


Before the purchase can be finished, the client must meet the required minimum order amount. woocommerce minimum order ammount error ...


This plugin allows you to set up minimum purchase rules for products in your store. Purchases must meet these rules to proceed to checkout payment.


Maximum Order Qty – Customer must purchase no more than this quantity of items to checkout. Minimum Order Value – ...


... wc_add_notice( '' . sprintf( __("A minimum total purchase amount of % s is required to checkout."), wc_price($minimum_amount) ) .


By setting a reasonable minimum order purchase amount, you ensure that you never come out losing. If you're running a wholesale operation, ...


Choose 'Add new' from the sub-menu · Give your default Minimum Purchase Rule a name e.g. 'Minimum order on products' · Under 'Select Search ...


Here's a sample of a minimum purchase rule: · If the purchaser is a Subscriber - [ search criteria:Subscriber] · The minimum total for all purchases - [rule applied to:  ...


Does your site require a minimum order amount to ship items to customers? With WooCommerce Order Minimum Amount module you can set a minimum order ...

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