Enter tracking number reference of WooCommerce


Woocommerce Admin Orders List : Useful Links


WooCommerce Admin Orders List module allows you to customize WooCommerce admin order list (i.e. list at “your site admin dashboard > WooCommerce ...


Never overwrite core files! for many reasons. Note that an order can have many items (products). On orders admin list, the following will add item(s) (product(s)) ...


Support » Plugin: Booster for WooCommerce » Admin Orders List Module Options -> Default ...


Here is the way to add a custom column 'Platform' in Admin WooCommerce Orders list and to add this custom field meta key in the search:


Hi guys, we added a column for Groups into the WooCommerce Admin orders list and we want to display the group(s) in the column for each ...


Updated: 2018-03-30 - added positioning feature to the new columns. So you if you want to add some columns in the orders Admin list page (in ...


Hey guys,. I want to show not only the order number on woocommerce admin orders list, but also the event title. I don´t know how to accomplish ...


Update 2020: You can try this too which make it sortable and searchable: // Add a custom column add_filter( ...


PHP Snippet: Add custom column to WooCommerce admin orders list. In order to add a new column in the orders table, we'll use the manage_edit- ...


Updated: The right meta_key to get the user ID in woocommerce orders is _customer_user , so: $user_id = get_post_meta( $post_id ...

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