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Woocommerce Display User Order : Useful Links


Let's go through a complete sample that will get the customer orders, count them, and display a notice to our loyal customers on the account ...


By default, it's set to 15 (use -1 to display all orders.) Args: array( 'current_user' => '' ) [woocommerce_my_account]. Current user argument is automatically set ...


Try the following instead, where the field displayed in order edit pages and the value is saved to order meta data and user meta data… Your revisited code:


Orders are created when a customer completes the checkout process, and they are visible to users with Admin and Shop Manager roles only. Each order is ...


Updated: The right meta_key to get the user ID in woocommerce orders is _customer_user , so: $user_id = get_post_meta( $post_id ...


I am following the instructions laid out in - https://toolset.com/forums/topic/display- orders-list-for-an-user/ Where do you put - [wpv-post-field.


orders in the front end, and how to show orders for a specific customer only.


With the user object ( $user = $this->order->get_user(); in a custom template), you ...


Yes, you can choose to display specific or all custom fields in admin order detail page and order emails sent to admin and customer. Does the plugin save fields ...


Often, the most common information item is the customer username and profile. By default WooCommerce order page shows limited information ...

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