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Woocommerce Get Order Id On Thank You Page : Useful Links


Do you see (Line 3) that this hook has the only one argument – $old_title , but what about order details? Well, you can easily get the order id from the key $_ GET ...


UPDATED As you are finding hard to locate functions.php file you can created a plugin. Create a PHP file as wh-thankyou-tracking.php under ...


Or maybe the order ID, customer ID, billing info, payment method, total refunds


I got it! I need to change that: function trusted_shops_thankyou( $order_id ). to that: function trusted_shops_thankyou( $order ).


Woocommerce offers a filter hook to get the ordered item link:


WooCommerce 3.0+. you can get the order items of an order by $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); $items = $order->get_items();. then if you loop through the ...


My custom thank you page has both parameters, key and order id in URL and also


In most cases, the customer is going to glance at this then just get on with the rest of their life. Why create a custom WooCommerce thank you page? Perhaps

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