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Woocommerce Minimum Order For Users : Useful Links


Do you want to restrict certain users to shop for only specific amount? Are you looking for ways to apply order amount restrictions based on user roles in your ...


You need current_user_can() to test the current user's capability to do something. Create a Role. First, you would need to create a new role for users who don't ...


You can specify the order amount restrictions for each WordPress User Roles. Specify custom HTML warning text: You can let the users know about the total order ...


Try the following using current_user_can() , so in your code: // Set a minimum amount per order (and user role) add_action( ...


Does your site require a minimum order amount to ship items to customers? With WooCommerce Order Minimum Amount module you can set a minimum order ...


Did you know that WooCommerce let's you assign a minimum purchase cart amount for specific user roles? Here's a step by step tutorial.


Optionally set different order amounts on per user role basis. Display (and customize) customer messages on cart and checkout pages. Select if you want to  ...


A minimum order amount OR a coupon – Free shipping is available if a minimum amount ...


This tutorial will show you how to set a minimum order subtotal (MOS) for your wholesale customers on your WooCommerce store. Setting a ...

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