Enter tracking number reference of WooCommerce



Woocommerce Ordering Change Text : Useful Links


I hope better way to solve your problem. Just copy and paste your theme of functions.php. Okay add_filter('woocommerce_catalog_orderby' ...


Change the Order of Sorting Options. I didn't want to write about it the whole chapter, but changed my mind I know for ...


Just came across the same issue myself. What I did to solve it is close to your solution. Instead of dequeueing it completely I dequeued it and ...


I want to replace woocommerce product sorting: "Sort by popularity" to "Most Popular", how can I do this?


You can change the 'Sort by name: alphabetical' to whatever you'd like, as this is what's displayed in the settings page on in your sorting ...


Changing the Text in the Sort. Maybe you just want to change the text of the sort by box so that it matches your brand. For example the “sort by ...


[This thread is closed.] Hello, My customer is given a woocommerce order confirmation by email. One of the subtitles is “order”. How can i change…


Under Original string, put Proceed to Checkout (or whatever the default text is). · Under Text domain, put woocommerce. (This is the plugin text ...


[This thread is closed.] Hi, Is there a way to change the text in the Order Notes section> This is the area which reads : 'Notes about your…

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