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Woocommerce Sql Query Orders By Product Id : Useful Links


Updates: 2017 - SQL query changed to "SELECT DISTINCT" instead of "SELECT " to avoid duplicated Order IDs in the array (then no need of ...


I'm trying to obtain all orders for particular day/time and then order products using SQL (MySQL) as seen in the query below: select p.ID as order_id, p.post_date, ...


The following custom function made with a very light unique SQL query, will get all the Orders IDs from an array of products IDs (or a unique ...


The following SQL query will give you a list of product IDs purchased at least once that belongs to "clothes" product category slug: SELECT ...


Update 26 Aug 2016: By popular demand, I added a way to query for orders based on product name. Querying by product id is the right way but ...


How to retrieve all orders for a given product in WooCommerce.


' Product Name' but can you tell me how can I extract all orders done per product ID.


There are two ways of doing this: through SQL and PHP.

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