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John Bel Edwards Tracking : Useful Links


Contact tracing for COVID-19 helps identify all individuals who were in close contact with a person who has tested positive for the illness. Based on CDC guidance, ...


John Bel Edwards was tracking every last ventilator in Louisiana, with projections showing the medical system was days away from being ...


John Bel Edwards on Tuesday declared a state of emergency in advance of


John Bel Edwards warned federal officials the New Orleans area is on track to run out of its ability to deliver health care by April 4. Edwards made ...


Gov. John Bel Edwards' decision on how quickly to loosen restrictions on Louisiana businesses amid the coronavirus outbreak hinges on two ...


John Bel Edwards has started reopening much of Louisiana's economy, saying residents have done well with staying home and apart from ...


Gov. John Bel Edwards said the state is recruiting 700 people to help with contact tracing, the process of determining who might have been ...


John Bel Edwards on Monday said the New Orleans area was no longer on track to run out of ventilators and hospital beds this week as the ...


John Bel Edwards as Governor: 2019: Led the charge and secured permanent and recurring pay raises for teachers and school support staff to begin the ...

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