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Collect Parcel Locations : Useful Links


UPS Access Point locations are convenient places - local businesses offering easy package drop-off and pickup. With evening and weekend hours, nationally over ...


Locations include participating NZ Post retail outlets, Countdown stores and Z Energy stations. Parcel Collect Location. 3. Collect it. We'll ...


Alternatively, our Find Location tool can provide information related to your nearest International FedEx facility or click here to view our Domestic locations. Was ...


Collection Information and Location. Charges can not be billed to this account, please select another account or payment option. UPS Account Number: UPS ...


There are hundreds of Parcel Collect locations around New Zealand. Locations include participating NZ Post retail outlets, Countdown stores ...


Choose UPS collection or drop-off points, also known as UPS Access Point™ locations, for your ...


Enter your location to search the map. Not in the the UK? There are over 20,000 UPS Access Point™ locations in the US. 4,000 HubBox locations (UK) 20,000 ...


Search for UPS drop boxes and retail locations where you can ship and collect packages.

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