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Track My Doordash Activation Kit : Useful Links


your Activation Kit within 10 business days, contact DoorDash Support for assistance.


It says I passed everything but I never received an email with a way to track my activation kit. I read another post that said this means you qualify ...


Looking for status on your Activation Kit? If you are looking for the status of your Activation kit, you will need to reach out to the ...


As far as the activation kit ideally, you'll need your bag to keep the food fresh and ... but I had the benefit of having a doordash office about a mile from my house, ...


It says I passed everything but I never received an email with a way to track my activation kit. Any DoorDash paraphernalia purchased by Dashers is strictly ...


If your Red Card is declined, read “My Dasher Red Card was Declined” for help. ... tracking information for your Activation Kit's delivery status via email.


as you won't receive help, you need to be a self-starter/able to solve your own

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