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Parcel Request : Useful Links


a property or where they're located in order to request access, send notices, deliver a ...


*An Improvement Survey Plat is not required for a combination request, but the owner must supply the legal description for the end- result combined parcel, in ...


Combine Parcel Request. Written request for property owners to combine multiple properties into one tax notice must meet certain guidelines before processing.


Requests for parcel combinations may be submitted by property owners or agents. The request shall be in writing and submitted for review to the GIS/ Mapping ...


Fill out and submit the following form to request statewide parcel data from MassGIS. You will receive an email with a link to the data in the format you choose.


Request to Combine Common Area Parcel Numbers. Print Friendly, PDF & Email . Form Year, Form, Published. Current, PDF icon Download (543.71 KB), 01/22/ ...


PARCEL SPLIT REQUEST. Requests for parcel splits may be submitted by property owners or agents. The requests shall be in writing and submitted for review ...


Parcel Boundary Change Request. What is this service? Property owners may request, under certain conditions, that parcels be subdivided (or combined) using a ...


Reason for combination/ grouping request: Do any of the parcels have homestead exemption? Yes. No. If yes, which parcel(s)?.


Livingston County Equalization Requests for Parcel Information · Fees can be paid · Cash · Check · Money Order · Credit Card – Online only Visa – MasterCard – ...

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