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Show Audio Track Labels In Timeline : Useful Links


I want to see the audio track labels in the timeline so I know very fast what track I' m working on. It's possible with adding comments for ...


A text label appears at the left side of the lane in the timeline, identifying the role. ... track of the current timeline organization, a diamond-shaped change indicator  ...


Is there any way to get the track names to show up on the timeline, or is there some other workaround I need to do to be able to see which mic ...


Try looking under Timeline Display Settings (wrench icon on Timeline) and select Show Audio Names menu option. Quote ...


To customize your default Timeline display settings. Choose Final


Playlist Menu - Includes: Edit, Tools, View, Snap, Select, Group, Zoom, Time


Assuming you are using Resolve 12, there should be a number in the label column to the left of the timeline. It will be 2.0 for a stereo track, 1.0 for ...


Trying to sort out a 20 tracks audio timeline and we're trying to have custom audio source names show up on the timeline, instead of just the same …


Look for the track labels in your timeline that say A1, A2, A3, etc. These same labels appear at the bottom of each column in the mixer to ...

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