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Tax Parcels Kitsap County : Useful Links


This interesting graphic shows how Kitsap County uses tax account numbers for representing acreages (large parcels) and platted parcels. SEND A COMMENT ...


Kitsap County Auditor · Name - Enter Last Name first, no comma, then First Name . · Date - Enter transaction or approximate date. · Tax Parcel Number - Enter without ...


The primary role of the Assessor's Office is to establish an assessed valuation of all real and personal property for tax purposes. The Assessor is required by law ...


The AcreValue Kitsap County, WA plat map, sourced from the Kitsap County, WA tax assessor, indicates the property boundaries for each parcel of land, with ...


Our parcel information includes taxpayer of record, which does not convey ownership. In order to find property ownership, you will need to do a deed search with ...


This office represents Adilia Beam who is the owner of Kitsap County tax parcels. 032301-4-043-2006 and 032301-4-045-2004. These parcels ...


rural designations, through compliance with Kitsap County “Water as a


complaint for injunction, declaratory judgment and abatement of nuisance. CP 1695 - 1757. 3. This complaint asserted Kitsap County Code ( " ...

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