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Can Someone File A Restraining Order On Your Behalf : Useful Links


Yes. In some cases you can file on your own; in other cases, you may need a parent, guardian, or person who has legal custody of you ...


My elderly parents have my 21 year old nephew living with them. He is a drug addict. My brother and I feel my parents are afraid of him and are ...


You can apply for a protective order on behalf of yourself and/or your child if you meet  ...


If you need protection from someone else (for example, tenant, former in-law, friend, cousin, neighbor), you may file a Civil Harassment Restraining Order. If you ...


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restraining order against someone you are not close to, but you can also file an elder ...


You can apply on someone else's behalf if you're their trustee, guardian, or conservator or you have specific power of attorney or other legal ...


that orders someone to stop harassing you and have no contact, unless allowed in

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