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Can Someone File A Restraining Order For No Reason : Useful Links


But without the proof, who cares how easy or difficult the process is? Getting a restraining order is similar to most other court processes. It involves filling out and filing some paperwork, going to a hearing, and then waiting for a judge to


In a civil harassment restraining order, you can ask to restrain:


has to write down the reasons why they are writing restraining orders against both of you.


Any type of unlawful sexual contact, such as touching intimate parts without consent, could be considered grounds for a protection order. Knowingly inducing a ...


No. there must exist a genuine reason or credible threat from the person against whom the restraining order has to be requested from the judge. The judge won't ...


A petition for Order of Protection can be filed in city, justice, or district court.


You can seek a restraining order for any number of reasons. The most common reason, however, is to prevent someone from contacting, harassing, or stalking ...


a person other than someone you live with, a person with whom you have no relationship,  ...


However, it will order a person to commit no crimes against the other person

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