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Can You File A Restraining Order For No Reason : Useful Links


But without the proof, who cares how easy or difficult the process is? Getting a restraining order is similar to most other court processes. It involves filling out and filing some paperwork, going to a hearing,


In a civil harassment restraining order, you can ask to restrain:


You file a petition for an Order of Protection in court. There is no cost. You have to sign an affidavit about what your abuser has done to you. An affidavit is a form ...


Any type of unlawful sexual contact, such as touching intimate parts without consent, could be considered grounds for a protection order. Knowingly inducing a ...


No. there must exist a genuine reason or credible threat from the person against whom the restraining order has to be requested from the judge. The judge won't ...


The only way you can get a restraining order is to go through the court. If there's an immediacy situation where you need to get a restraining order fast, you can ...


How do I get an Order of Protection through Criminal Court?


a person other than someone you live with, a person with whom you have no relationship,  ...

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