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Can You File A Restraining Order For Text Messages : Useful Links


On the other hand, if someone is sending threatening text messages and you are legitimately fearful for your safety, then you should contact an ...


which you're getting unwanted texts; Go to the police; Ask for a restraining order


How are we supposed to know if she is bluffing? Can she apply for a temporary one and get it? Possibly. Is it really worth the risk? Move on with your life! Law ...


Yes, if they are threatening you in some way or placing you in fear for your safety. You need to save them and make a police report before filing.


But you should know that harassment is against the law and you do not have to put up with it no matter what your relation to the other person happens to be. A ...


Here's a novel idea: ask him to stop texting you. You say he is -- quote -- " harmless but annoying." This is not a matter for the courts/police if you're not in fear for ...


One text message and one phone call may also be harassment. Harassment can include things your abuser


You can get a restraining order for harassing, offensive or abusive texts. This will require preserving evidence of harassment, filing a petition ...


Legal options can be civil (such as a protection order[1] requested by you

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