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How To Print File In Reverse Order : Useful Links


awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' file*. If you can't remember that, perl -e 'print reverse <>'. On a system with GNU utilities, the ...


You can use tac man tac, "concatenate and write files in reverse", previous to awk tac file | awk '{for(i=1; i<=NF/2; ++i){ temp=$i; $i=$(NF-i+1); ...


Q) How to print the lines in a file in reverse order? Which means we have to print the data of file from last line to the first line. We will see ...


5 ways to reverse the order of file content. In this article, we will see the different methods in which we can print the file content in reverse order.


Given a text file in a directory, the task is to print the file content backward i.e., the last line should get printed first, 2nd last line should be printed ...


An efficient solution to read a file in reverse order is,. Start reading


C Language Source Codes (C programs) - C program to print contents in reverse order of a file (just like TAC command in Linux), TAC command implementation ...


1. Take the file name from the user. · 2. Read each line from the file using for loop and store it in a list. · 3. Print the elements of list in reverse order. · 4. Exit.


There are a few ways we can reverse the output of a file, or command. Here we look at some of the common methods and compare their ...

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