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How To Read Ps File In Reverse Order : Useful Links


If the device the file is on supports it, you can use "OPEN INPUT fname REVERSED". But the file will need to be on a tape or a device that is ...


There are two ways to read the sequential file in reverse order 1. Using FileAid // STEP0100 EXEC PGM=FILEAID //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* ...


Being a flat file, we cant be sure that it will have a unique key field. So, External to the cobol program , using SORT utility, we can add a serial no column, and then ...


If there is no single key in your file which can reverse order of records, use SORT to add Seqnum and sort on seqnum to reverse record order of ...


JCL Trick to write the output file in reverse order of input using SORT.


Apart from reading forward, VSAM KSDS file can be read Backwards starting from a specified Key value. READPREV command is used for this ...


In this article we will cover some basic usage of cat command and tac (reverse of cat command – print files in reverse order) with some practical ...


This command displays the files in the current directory by length in ascending order. PowerShell. Copy. PS> Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Test -File | Sort-Object ...


In this tutorial, you'll learn how to reverse the order of all or some of your layers in Photoshop.

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