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Intellij Gitignore Files That Are Tracked : Useful Links


How can I fully gitignore the .idea folder? I have .idea in gitignore, but it is still in local changes. Here is my .gitignore file: #...


Git lets you list ignored file patterns in two kinds of configuration files:


So I created a .gitignore file in the project root directory to ignore some files when ... IntelliJ, in contrary, handles all git repositories found in the project. One can control what repositories are monitored for changes in Settings ...


on the toolbar and select Show Ignored Files. Track changes to a file in the editor. You can also track ...


Besides that, the question is which other files are recommended to be included and not ignored? Why? Answer: I came across with this: https:// ...


Received notice that Ignored files found that are tracked: .ignore plugin


I'm having a tracked file in git but now I don't want to track it anymore (I don't want it to show up from the next commit but I still want to have it ...


So, there is no more fiddling around with the Ignored Files table in the Preferences/Settings


If you have files that have already been added to the repository, all their changes will be tracked as usual, even if they are matched by .gitignore ...


Receive message that "Ignored files found that are tracked: .ignore plugin found some files that are tracked with Git which are also listed in .gitignore file.

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