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Mpc-hc Play Next File Order : Useful Links


Using media player classic, if I start by playing "Aizen x Riven movie", and I press the next key (page down), next file (ctrl + page down), or skip forward button, they  ...


What do i have to cfg to use MPC-HC as the default mp4 player. I use a 2k/4k video recorder and like to play (playlist) the files i recorded in a sorted sequence  ...


I have 15 videos on a playlist in MPC. How can I play them in a random/shuffle order?


Previous/Next action could replace the current only file in VLC playlist with a previous/next file from the same folder - basic alphabetical order of files in directory!


On the odd occasion madVR actually stays in FSE mode on next file playback, It happens seemingly at random (I can duplicate it 1 out of three or ...


Page 115- Media Player Classic - BE Win32/x64 Software players.


Also, could you add the feature to play the next file after deleting a file by the playlist, as it happens on MPC-HC? Thanks. Last edit: jamnnb 2019- ...

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