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What Happens When You File A No Contact Order : Useful Links


What type of Protection Order should you file? Where to file your antiharassment petition? Sexual Assault · Community Sexual Assault Programs · Court Staff ...


center that is providing services to the petitioner or the petitioner's family or household member. (b) A petition for a civil no contact order may be filed:


Do this at the courthouse in the county where the dispute happened or where the abuser lives. Sensitive case types are not required to e-file their ...


If you do NOT have one of the above relationships with the offender, and you want a restraining order you may be eligible to file for a Civil No-Contact Order/ 50C ...


However, that may not always happen. Now that the information is available to law enforcement electronically, this means that if you have a protection order filed  ...


You can request that the defendant be ordered to have no contact with you.


order, you fill out paperwork where you tell the judge everything that has happened ...


How do I get a Preliminary Protective Order? You must fill out court forms. If this matter ...

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