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What Happens When You File An Order Of Protection : Useful Links


You file a petition for an Order of Protection in court.


The police will probably arrest the individual for violating the order of protection. The individual does not have to hit you to violate the order. If the ...


You can file a family offense petition in Family Court to request an Order of Protection. You must have a certain relationship with the other person. You can be ...


The Big Picture · File the forms with the circuit clerk at the courthouse in the county where you live, where the abuser lives, or where the events happened. The ...


However, that may not always happen. Now that the information is available to law enforcement electronically, this means that if you have a protection order filed  ...


Examples of a requested Order of Protection would be filed against:


In order to file a Petition for an Order of Protection, you must be at least 17 years ... and are designed to protect the victim before the hearing on the merits occurs.


passed between when the abuse happened and when you apply for an Order of Protection.


For you to file for an order of protection, your abuser must be a spouse, ex-spouse, someone with

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