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Woocommerce Filter Orders By Category : Useful Links


It'll show up the orders which contain only that specific product. New: From version 3.0 now it's possible to filter by “Product Category” as well. Currently this only ...


I want to filter orders by category of products, what I have tried based on research is : $filters = array( 'post_status' => 'any', 'post_type' ...


Filter by product category: You can filter your orders by any product category ( only parent categories) meaning that any order containing at least one product ...


I will be having many categories for each products. How can I allow the admin or the shop manager to filter the orders page by product category? I ...


Order by … – Use this option to determine the order in which the terms are shown . You can choose to order them by one of several criteria, ...


One of the most helpful filters for debugging is to filter orders by payment method used, as we'll use this for payment gateway support, or when ...


How to Filter WooCommerce Order Table. September 6, 2018 in category How To, WooCommerce. This “how-to” is a follow up to the How to Hide Zero and Free  ...


You can't look for multiple fields, you can sort, you can't filter by order total, and so on. You get the ...


How can we improve WooCommerce? ← WooCommerce. Option to filter orders by product-variations. It would be nice to be able to filter orders ...

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