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Woocommerce Filter Orders By Product Category : Useful Links


It'll show up the orders which contain only that specific product. New: From version 3.0 now it's possible to filter by “Product Category” as well. Currently this only ...


The following functions will add an additional filter dropdown to admin order list, allowing you to filter orders based on order items product post ...


I will be having many categories for each products. How can I allow the admin or the shop manager to filter the orders page by product category? I ...


I want to filter orders by category of products, what I have tried based on research is : $filters = array( 'post_status' => 'any', 'post_type' => 'shop_order', ...


I'm setting up Woocommerce store for a client who is selling tickets to multiple different live shows. On the night of a show, the box office manager ...


It's also possible to filter downloads by hovering over Product, Order or IP address.


Filter by product category: You can filter your orders by any product category ( only parent categories) meaning that any order containing at least one product ...


or the Term order to display them as established in the list of product categories.


a filter to act on orders for products in a particular product category or product tag.

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