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Python Read File Lines In Reverse Order : Useful Links


for line in reversed(open("filename").readlines()): print line.rstrip(). And in Python 3: for line in reversed(list(open("filename"))): print(line.rstrip()).


Use reversed() to read a file line by line backwards. Call open(filename, mode) with "r" as mode to read filename as a stream.


Then yield that line and continue reading in the reverse direction until the top of the file is reached. We have implemented this logic to a function,.


All the lines are then printed in reverse order using a for loop and rstrip() function strips all the blank spaces from the end of the line. advertisement. Runtime Test ...


Python - Backward File Reading - When we normally read a file, the contents are read line by line from the beginning of the file. But there may be scenarios ...


This package is for reading file backward line by line as unicode in a memory efficient manner for both Python 2.7 and Python 3. It currently ...


The very basic solution will be to read the lines using file.readlines() and read the contents backwards by using slicing as given below: filename ...


There are a few ways we can reverse the output of a file, or command. Here we look at some of the common methods and compare their ...

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