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Read File In Reverse Order Python : Useful Links


for line in reversed(open("filename").readlines()): print line.rstrip(). And in Python 3: for line in reversed(list(open("filename"))): print(line.rstrip()).


Use reversed() to read a file line by line backwards. Call open(filename, mode) with "r" as mode to read filename as a stream.


1. Take the file name from the user. · 2. Read each line from the file using for loop and store it in a list. · 3. Print the elements of list in reverse order. · 4. Exit.


Python - Backward File Reading - When we normally read a file, the contents are read line by line from the beginning of the file. But there may be scenarios ...


This package is for reading file backward line by line as unicode in a memory efficient manner for both Python 2.7 and Python 3. It currently ...


reading the file in reverse.Actually file.readlines() returns a list and we are reading the list backwards. Better Solution:.


Since the file is read character by character in reverse order, it will work even on very large files, as long as individual lines fit into memory.


< operator tells your current shell to redirect input.txt into python's stdin stream, and we read that line by line. Here we use list comprehension to ...

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