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Read A File In Reverse Order In Perl : Useful Links


Reading lines in reverse order: use File::ReadBackwards; my $back = File:: ReadBackwards->new(shift @ARGV) or die $!; print while defined( ...


Reading a File Backwards by Line or Paragraph Problem You want to process each line or paragraph of a text file in reverse. Solution Read all lines into an ...


The following code will fill an array with the lines of a file in reverse order: .


You must read the lines into memory, then process them in reverse order. This requires at least as much available memory as the size of the file, unless you use  ...


If you had a file called backwards.txt, that contained the following data: aa bb cc dd ee. And you ran the following script: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; ...


I just create a Perl script to print the contents of a text file in reverse order. I named this program rcat (for "reverse cat"), and I use it as a helper ...


get_handle. get_handle takes no arguments and it returns the internal Perl filehandle used by the File::ReadBackwards object. This handle may ...


tail my_data_file | perl -e 'print reverse <>' > my_output_file. That sequence of commands can be read as "get the last ten lines from the file ...


This option uses a combination of commands to reverse the file order. $ nl file | sort


While in a scalar context, returns a concatenated string of the values of the List, with each character of the string in the opposite order. Syntax: ...

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